Eight previous top-selling editions of Linux For Dummies can't be wrong. If you've been wanting to migrate to Linux, this book is the best way to get there. Written in easy-to-follow, everyday terms, Linux For Dummies 9th Edition gets you started by concentrating on two distributions of Linux that beginners love: the Ubuntu LiveCD distribution and the gOS Linux distribution, which comes pre-installed on Everex computers. The book also covers the full Fedora distribution.
- Linux is an open-source operating system and a low-cost or free alternative to Microsoft Windows; of numerous distributions of Linux, this book covers Ubuntu Linux, Fedora Core Linux, and gOS Linux, and includes them on the DVD.
- Install new open source software via Synaptic or RPM package managers
- Use free software to browse the Web, listen to music, read e-mail, edit photos, and even run Windows in a virtualized environment
- Get acquainted with the Linux command line
If you want to get a solid foundation in Linux, this popular, accessible book is for you.