For a moment we leave the real world, into the world of religion, although still in the virtual world
Just fill Life that short
As we know human beings are born in this world armed with the four basic qualities that characterize his life, which is often termed lust, anger, desire and holy deeds. These passions stimulated by the emergence of elements in this world and go through paningal (eye), pangucap (mouth), pangrungu (ear) and pangganda (nose).
Natural elements that enter through the eyes shape due to the stimulus craving something seen by the eye. Natural elements that enter through the mouth of dirty words spoken by the mouth. Natural elements that enter through the ear tangible unpleasant sound heard by the ear and cause someone angry, rude and dark eyes. While natural elements that enter through the nose tangible actions either because the nose would not accept that smells bad. With the provision of four basic qualities of life, humans are required to master the four passions that attached to him. In other words, humans have to master the three passions that can lead to actions that are less good, ie aluamah, anger and sufah, and put the passion that can lead to good actions, namely mutmainah. Mastering is defined as maintaining regulate or control. If people can maintain control of the fourth set and desires will become a model in the sense that humans can be imitated by the people around for his actions is always commendable.
Conversely, if people can not maintain control of the fourth set and lust-lust, the person will show that actions are not praiseworthy, so he was shunned by the people around him, therefore life in a world that only a moment, which in Javanese culture expressed istlah "wong urip iku mung mampir ngombe", to be preoccupied with measures to maintain, manage and control these four human passions, so that life in the world that its only for a moment is filled with noble actions, such as mutual help, love others , devoted to the home country, mutual respect, respect, deliberation to reach consensus and others. Thus if at the time of death, ie separation of human spirit and can be expected wadag the human spirit will be returning to Almighty God, the causa men of all life on earth.
Welcome to Destination
Life in this world can be likened to a war between good and passions lust is not good. So that people can win the war, so that at the time of death his spirit returned to God the Almighty, man must be able to put their consciences on the lust. In other words, the human conscience must be controlled passion. If conscience is controlled by passion at the time of death of the human spirit can return to God Almighty.
How to get someone to keep his conscience is always on top of lust? Javanese culture teaches that a person is always undergo behavior, such as fasting and others, as an exercise self-control that can control when the stimulus for action arise which is not good. In addition Javanese culture also teaches that a person is always closer to God Almighty, so always get light from Him that will cause it to think clearly and cleanly.
The purpose of human life is to survive in the natural world and in perpetuity. In order to achieve this goal requires people to continuously strive to uphold the truth. In the life of a moment in the world, people must be filled with good action. Therefore Javanese culture is always reminded that life in this world is temporary in nature. The warning expressed in the term "Wong urip iku mung mampir ngombe" . If someone will always remember this moment and fill life with good deeds, it can be expected to live one's goals will be achieved, which is good in this world and in nature one day later.
This entry was posted
on Thursday, October 08, 2009
and is filed under
Live and Lifes
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